Friday, June 10, 2011

Inspirational Friday

Buster 7-year-old lab mix went missing in Boulder, Colorado on November 17. His owners noticed when they returned home that the gate to the backyard where Buster was kept was slightly opened. Buster has gone off on several occasions so the owners didn't panic right away. After a few months the "Squires" Buster's owners thought they would never see him again and adopted a new dog. On May 20, Peter Ochoa in Salinas, California saw a strange dog sitting on his porch. The dog had no collar and the family called animal control and stated to them that "if they couldn't find a home that they would keep him." Buster was micorchipped and animal control sent a letter to the Squires.  The single mom received the letter and it said "if you don't claim Buster by May 31st then it becomes the property of California." She a single mom with a 4-year-old couldn't drive to California and couldn't afford to fly him back. Squire contact her friends and contacts on Facebook and Frontier airlines flew him back for free. The Squire family is so grateful to all their friends and contacts that allowed for this miracle to happen.

Lost Dogs Found: Buster Brown, lab mix

Joplin, Missouri was hit with a devastating tornado on May 22, 2011. A Missouri family was talking about the damage that occurred from the tornado and their kids wanted to help the families who lost everything. They decided to make a lemonade stand, but traffic would be an issue being that there is only five people that  live on their street. A nearby friend announced the lemonade stand on the radio. Not only did they make lemonade they also had 100 lemon shaped cookies, 200 mini pink lemonade cupcakes, and it took 100 lemons to make a 5 gallons of lemonade. Kids in the neighborhood joined together with selling and advertising the lemonade stand they went up and down the street with signs advertising all the goodies at the lemonade stand.  People were coming in every direction to give their donations. The kids raised $300 for Joplin.

Families are Fun!: Lemonade for Joplin!

Brandon Fillmore a 14-year-old invented an anti rollover device for cars for a science fair. The device is an air pressured spring that is placed at each wheel of the vehicle. When the car leans the device pumps up with air and levels the car and prevents it from rolling over. Brandon sent his design to GM Canada and received a response form the lead engineer. The senior project engineer stated to "CBC News that Brandon's work is very impressive." Brandon's feedback from GM expressed "that we have been looking for something like this for sometime and asked Brandon to add a few more things to his anti rollover device." Brandon will continue working on the device and will get it patented.

Fat News Paper. (June 7, 2011).  Teen impresses GM with car anti-rollover design. Retrieved June 10, 2011, from Teen impresses GM with car anti-rollover design

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