Friday, April 1, 2011

What's in The News Today

Inspirational Friday

Marine gets to watch his daughter be born while being in Afghanistan.  Sargent Pompelli coaches his wife during the birth of their daughter thanks to Skype. Months later he gets to meet Reilly his beautiful daughter when he comes home.
Watch the video click on link: 

abcNews. (March 31, 2011). Marine Meets Daughter Born While he is Abroad. For the first, this military dad meets his child in person. Retrieved April 1, 2011, from

Robbie a sixteen year old suffered his entire life with Tourette's Syndrome, Tourette's is a condition that causes individuals to have uncontrollable ticks, due to misfiring within the brain. Robbie's ticks could last up to two hours. His ticks would consist of bursting out words, twisting his body and hitting himself.  Robbie gets miracle experimental surgery where they implant two pacemakers in his abdomen, which stops the abnormal  misfiring of over active nerve cells to the brain. Two weeks after the surgery Robbie feels normal and can be an average 16  year old and be around his friends, due to no more ticks.
Please watch the video:

abcNews. (April 4, 2011). Surgery Cures Teen of Tourette's.  Dr. Richard Besser on a radical surgery that has turned one teen's life around. Retrieved April 1, from

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