Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What's in The News Today

The evacuation areas of Japan have left many dogs homeless and farmers left their cows.  The dogs are roaming the evacuated areas and cows are confined within their milking stalls. Evacuation had many people scurrying and they left behind their furry pets and their farm animals. One rice farmer who stayed behind killed himself this morning, due to all the stress. Plutonium was found in the soil around the area of the reactors.  They are paying $5,000.00 a day to workers that are willing to clean up and to measure radiation within the areas surrounding the reactors. Increased radiation have been found in U.S. states: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Florida, California, Hawaii, Washington, Nevada, Alaska, Idaho and Alabama. The trace levels of iodine 131 have been detected in these state. When radiation infuses it becomes iodine 131.

Karlinsky, N. & Tanglao, L.  (March 29, 2011). Japan Nuclear Crisis: Plutonium Leaks From Fukushima Plant. Removal of the Contaminated Water Is Most Urgent Task Now, Japan Officials Say. abcNews/International. Retrieved March 29, 2011, from http://abcnews.go.com/International/japan-nuclear-crisis-officials-grapple-plutonium-leaks-fukushima/story?id=13244418

Kids playing get trapped in quicksand in Seattle Washington each time the siblings tried to get out they sank faster. One child was able to free his boot from the quick sand and ran for help. The fire department rescued the two siblings. It took thirty minutes to get them out of the quick sand, which was up to their waste. Quicksand is made of sand, clay and water.

Snadell, C. (March 29, 2011). Washington KIds Narrowly Escape Quicksand. One Boy's Quick Thinking Saves Friends Who Fell Into Mudpit. Retrieved March 29, 2011, from

Gastric Bypass seems to be the cure for Type II diabetes this occurs almost immediately after the surgery. The body secretes incretins, which are hormones that normalizes blood levels. This procedure can cost $20,000 to $30,000 and not all insurances cover the cost.

abcNews. (March 29, 2011). Diabetes Breakthrough: Gastric Bypass? New medical breakthrough favors surgery as treatment for obese patients. retrieved March, 29, 2011, from http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/OnCall/video/diabetes-breakthrough-gastric-bypass-13245090

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