Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's in The News Today

Legionnaires disease found at the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. A month after a guest had died samples of the water were collected at the Luxor hotel and it was positive for Legionnaires disease. The guest  was diagnosed with Legionella bacteria, which is form of pneumonia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Surveillance program reported three other cases who were guest at the Luxor hotel within the last year were also reported to have been diagnosed with Legionella bacteria.

Garcia, O. ( January 30, 2012). Legionnaires' Disease Bacteria Found In Luxor Las Vegas Water Samples. HuffPost. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/30/legionnaires-disease-luxor-las-vegas-pneumonia_n_1242539.html

Warning for Brazilian Blowouts. The chemicals that are used to do the blow out have formaldehyde gas, which is known to be a possible carcinogen. The company has agreed to alert consumers after a lawsuit in California was settled. Consumers wear gas mask when having the chemical applied to their hair. Formaldehyde is only one of the many carcinogens added to the list and has shown positive for nasal cancer in rats. It can also cause blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, cough and sore throat. Many actresses like Nicole Richie and Jennifer Aniston have sworn by the Brazilian blowout. The blowout is costly and starts at $350.00.

Judkis, J. (January 31, 2012). Brazilian Blowout: Formaldehyde risks for stylist. The Washington Post. Lifestyle. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/arts-post/post/brazilian-blowout-formaldehyde-risks-for-stylists/2012/01/31/gIQA1gbxeQ_blog.html

McDonald's agreed to stop using pink slime a food additive. This is a food additive that is in their burgers. Pink Slime is a meat filler that has been treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria. The filler has been under fire when chef Jamie Oliver campaigned against it on his show.

Fox Toledo. com. (January 31, 2012). McDonald's stops using 'pink slime' for burgers. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from  http://www.foxtoledo.com/dpps/news/offbeat/mcdonalds-stops-using-pink-slime-for-burgers-ob12-jgr_4058719

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What's in The News Today

The mystery illness in upstate New York will be investigated by activist Erin Brockovich. Chat Me More has reported this illness in several post about 12 girls that attended the same school and came down with a tic disorder similar to Tourette's Syndrome. These young ladies have exhibited uncontrollable movements, outbursts and seizures. Brockovich is investigating a train wreck that spilled cyanide an industrial solvent called trichloroethene in 1971, close to the school that these girls attend Le Roy, New School. Recently a new report has reported that a boy has also came down with similar symptoms.
To learn more click on the link http://www.sott.net/articles/show/240734-US-Activist-Erin-Brockovich-Looking-into-Teens-Mystery-Ailment

Watch the video with Dr. Drew and Erin Brockovich about the mystery illness of these students

Carroll, L. (January 27, 2012). Mystery illness: More girls develop Tourette's-like tics. HEALTH on Today. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from http://todayhealth.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/26/10242751-mystery-illness-more-girls-develop-tourettes-like-tics

A fire kills nine people in Florida. Poor visibility seems to be the factor for these deaths. A fire in a nearby brush caused a series of collisions on Interstate 75 and Highway 441. A dozen of vehicles were involved in these accidents and the responding police officer stated that the "visibility was zero and that it was 'pure chaos' and he hasn't seen anything like this within the last 14 years."

CNN U.S. (January 29, 2012). Police: At least dead in Florida in multiple crashes. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from  http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/29/us/florida-fatal-crashes/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What's in The News Today

Teens were planning to blow up their school in Utah. Two Teens were arrested Dallin Morgan 18 and Joshua Hogan 16, after a female student received a frightening message from one of them.  The text was a threat and danger and she felt she needed to report it. The two male students were planning to bomb their school and steal a plane to get away.

Newcomb, A. (January 28, 2012). Police: Teens Planned to Bomb School, Steal Plane. abc Good Morning America. YAHOO! Retrieved January 28, 2012, from  http://gma.yahoo.com/police-teens-planned-bomb-school-steal-plane-231451818--abc-news.html

A student gets suspended for snapping a picture of a sleeping male teacher. A 9th-grader caught a substitute teacher snoozing and snapped a picture with his cell phone and posted it on a social network. The student attended Mustang Mid-High School in Mustang, Oklahoma. The student went against school policy "to use a cell phone during school hour"and was suspended.

Newcomb, A. (January 26, 2012). Picture of Snoozing Sub Gets Student Suspended. abc Good Morning America. YAHOO!NEWS. Retrieved January 28, 2012, from  http://gma.yahoo.com/picture-snoozing-sub-gets-student-suspended-231953169--abc-news.html

A woman is going to marry a building to save it. Babylonia Aivaz is scheduled to marry a warehouse in Seattle, Washington. She is calling it "her gay wedding" to the building. She is going to marry the building on Sunday. The abandoned warehouse is in the process of being demolished. She states "she is in love with building that is 107 years-old. "She says she is doing this to show how much she loves the building and the neighborhood." She has invited people to her wedding via Facebook. 

Curry, C. (January 27, 2012). Woman Wants to Marry Seattle Building. abc NEWS Good Morning America. YAHOO!  Retrieved January 28, 2012, from http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/woman-wants-marry-seattle-building-202555998--abc-news.html

Friday, January 27, 2012

Inspirational Friday

A family is rescued from a plane crash by quick good Samaritans. They were sight seeing on a tour plane in the Caribbean. The planes engine gave out and it plunged into the water. They were strapped in and their plane was upside down. The fast thinking pilot freed the father, but he didn't see his wife and his son of 4-years-old. He dived back into the water and the pilot was already freeing his wife and with her last breath of consciousness she was freeing her son.  A near by boat witnessed the crash and they came to the families rescue. Two doctors were in a nearby boat and immediately gave aid.   

Inbar. M. (January 24, 2012). Dad of Family in Crash: "We've Been Given a Second Chance." MSNBC. HAPPYNEWS. Retrieved January 27, 2012, from http://www.happynews.com/news/1242012/dad-family-crash-ve-given-second-chance.htm

A military veteran wins the lottery and didn't even know it. Napolean Elvord is in need of kidney transplant and wasn't aware that he won $14.3 million. Elvord visits the Mobil station daily when he checked his number he was surprised that he was a winner. He will use the money towards his health insurance. He has received regular kidney dialysis for the last five years.

Stump, S. (January 23, 2012). Lottery Winner In Need of a Kidney Puts $14.3 Million to Good Use. Retrieved January 27, 2012, from  http://www.happynews.com/news/1232012/lottery-winner-need-kidney.htm

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What's in The News Today

Anchor Greg Kelly is accused of rape. He is the anchor for WNYW's a.m. newscast. He is accused of raping a young woman in Manhattan in October. The woman stated on Tuesday that "she and Kelly met on the street and went to South Seaport for drinks on October 8." The rape occurred at her office a law firm that same evening. Her boyfriend found out about it and became outraged and went to the police commissioner. Kelly's father Ray Kelly is New York's Police Commissioner. Greg Kelly denied the accusation by the woman.

Gauthier, A. (January 26, 2012). WNYW Anchor Greg Kelly Accused of Rape. TVSPY. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://www.mediabistro.com/tvspy/wnyw-anchor-greg-kelly-accused-of-rape_b37199

The four convicted murderers that were pardoned will remain free. Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood wanted the pardoned convicts to be brought back to prison. Mississippi court ruled that the four men will remain free, well at least until February 3. They were pardoned by General Governor Haley Barbour. Family members of the murdered victims are outraged and stated that "the pardon has  shown no respect for the victims."

CNN Justice. (January 24, 2012). Judge allows pardoned Mississippi murders to remain free--for now. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/23/justice/mississippi-pardons/index.html

A Utah 14-year-old kills himself with a toy cannon. Robby Ostberg was playing with his toy cannon and it went off and struck him in the head and killing him. Authorities  not sure what was fired, but Ostberg's grandmother said that "Robby would wrap gunpowder in tin foil and fire it a few feet away from the cannon." The cannon is a replica of an 18 century 6 inch barrel, but had no firing power and was meant for only decorative purposes. Robby's mother Sara Ostberg stated that "Robby was mechanically inclined and would fix everything." His father was not aware that Robby had access to gun powder.

abc NEWS> (January 25, 2012). Family Mourns Utah Boy Killed by Mini Toy Cannon. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/family-mourns-utah-boy-killed-mini-toy-cannon-15439793#.TyGBnTVDFY0

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's in The News Today

Facebook users start making your timeline or it will be done for you. Fb users you have 7 days to make your timeline it's no longer an option. Your timeline will automatically replace your profile, but your pictures and stories remain the same.

TECHNOLOG on msnbc.com. (January 24, 2012). Facebook Timeline: There's no escaping it now. Retrieved January 25, 2012, from http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/24/10226976-facebook-timeline-theres-no-escaping-it-now

A solar eruption is caused for diverted planes. Radiation that hit the earth on Tuesday is forcing the redirection of at least a half dozen airplanes that were routed over the North Pole. The radiation is from a immense solar blast. The warning came from NOAA's space weather that "there was geomagnetic storm on Monday." A satellite witnessed an ultraviolet flash from a massive solar eruption. The rerouting is to prevent  radio communication loss and exposing pilots and passengers from radiation.

Fox News.com (January 24, 2012). Delta reroutes planes following massive solar eruption.  Retrieved January 25, 2012, from http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/01/23/planes-rerouted-fearing-strongest-radiation-storm-in-7-years/

US Navy Seals rescued two hostages from pirates. This is the same Navy Seal unit that killed bin Laden. An American woman and a Danish man were being held hostage in Somalia. President Obama gave the order for the rescue mission two days earlier. Minutes after he gave his State of Union Address he was on the phone with the American girl's father  to tell him that his daughter is safe. Jessica Buchanan and Paul Hogan were working for the demining unit of the DRC when they were kidnapped in October. The US Seals parachuted close to the town where they were being held and rescued Buchanan and Hogan unharmed. President Obama stated that "the United States will not tolerate the abduction of our people and will spare no effort to secure the safety of our citizens and to bring their captors to justice."

theguardian. (January 25, 2012). US Navy Seals who killed Bin Laden rescue two hostages from Somalia. retrieved January 25, 2012, from http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jan/25/us-navy-seals-freed-somalia-hostages

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What's in The News Today

Tonight the president will give his third State of the Union address. The address will be given at 9 p.m. ET and 6 p.m. PST.  Four topics to look:
  1. Income Inequality- his plan to rebuild the middle class "and given everyone a 'fair shot' was his words he spoke in Kansas last year.
  2. Debt- over spending of the government and to avoid the $1.2 trillion automatic spending cuts that is scheduled to affect the budget 2013. 
  3. Taxes-"Buffett Rule" those making more than $1 million pay a higher percentage of their income in federal income and payroll taxes.
  4. Jobs plan-  In September Obama had a  jobs plan and Congress ignored it. The plan was $50 billion for funding for highways, transit, rail and aviation. Modernization of schools, vacant properties, subsidized jobs training, first responders, teachers and summer jobs.

Monday, January 23, 2012

What's in The News Today

The mystery illness is in the news again. Reported last week that a school in New York, LeRoy Junior/High School that 12 girls have exhibited an illness that represents Tourette's syndrome. These girls are shaking uncontrollably, stuttering and having outburst. These tics began in October and the parents of these girls want answers. One mother of the girls, Melisa Philips stated that "her daughter has daily blackouts, seizures and her body becomes rigid 'stone like' and she is continually getting new symptoms." Two of the girls appeared on HLN, the Dr. Drew show and there be more about this condition today on the show and it's aired at 9 p.m. PT/ET 6 p.m.. Watch the video of the girls http://www.hlntv.com/video/2012/01/21/dr-drew-talks-teens-mystery-illness?hpt=hp_t3

Schenek, D. (January 21, 2012). Dr. Drew talks to teens with mystery illness. HLN. Retrieved Janauary 23, 2012, from http://www.hlntv.com/video/2012/01/21/dr-drew-talks-teens-mystery-illness?hpt=hp_t3

An American Airlines from Brazil to Miami experienced severe turbulence. The turbulence began two hours into the flight and passengers stated "that is was like a roller coaster and some were smashed into the ceiling." Crew members suffered the most injuries when a food cart flew in the air and came crashing down on one of the flight attendants. It was total chaos when the turbulence hit "passengers were screaming and terribly scared."

  Kindelan, K.  ( January 23, 2012). American Airlines Flight Turbulence Injuries 6. abc NEWS. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from  http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/01/american-airlines-flight-turbulence-injures-6/

Today begins the "Year of the Dragon" Chinese  Lunar New Year. This year is a promise for change and it's the most powerful zodiac. It's associated with high energy and prosperity. The dragon is a symbol of power and superior control. In the past the year of the dragon has brought the world economical change for the better. People that are born in the dragon years 1940, 1952, 1964, 1988 and 2000 are imaginative and full of energy.

Davison, J. ( January 22, 2012). Year of the dragon brings promise of change. CBCNew/Canada. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2012/01/22/f-year-of-the-dragon.html

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's in The News Today

A 8-month year-old is found with a mouse in her mouth. Elanya Baba attends Donald Tucker Center preschool in New Jersey. She was at Baby Land an area for children under 12-months-old when she was spotted with a mouse in her mouth. Her mother Brittany Baba was volunteering that day and was called over to where Elyana was to find the mouse in her daughter's mouth. The center is claiming that this has never happened before, but her mother was concerned and stated "why wasn't her daughter being watched more closely and that her daughter cold have died."

CNN. (Janaury 21,2012). Toddler found with a mouse in mouth. Retrieved January 22, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/us/2012/01/21/holmes-nj-baby-mouse.news-12-new-jersey

A fire ripped through a house in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. killing three. The house was be rented by Marist college students near the campus. The fire tore through the house on Saturday morning killing two female students and one male. The male was not a student at the college and 4 other people escaped with minor injuries. A passer-by called  911 at 1:30 a.m. to report the fire. Two people and maybe more jumped through the window to escape the engulfed house.

YAHOO!News. (January 21, 2012). 3 dead in fire at NY house rented by students. Retrieved January 22, 2012, from   http://news.yahoo.com/3-dead-fire-ny-house-rented-students-023637809.html

Joe Paterno dies at 85-years-old from lung cancer. He was a longtime coach at Penn State and won more major football games than anyone. He was part of the Jerry Sandusky scandal. Sandusky a former defensive coordinator for Penn State was charged for sexual assaulting more than 10 boys for over 15 years. An assistant coach witnessed Sandusky raping a young boy in the showers and reported to Paterno. Paterno was fired for not reporting Sandusky, but claimed he did report it to an official at Penn State, but it never went to the police. "Paterno was greatly respected and will be missed."

ESPN LA. ( Janaury 22, 2012). Joe Paterno, 85, dies in State College. Retrieved January 22, 2012, from

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What's in The News Today

Elizabeth Smart is engaged. She was kidnapped at the age of 14, for nine months and describes it as " nine months of hell." She is an advocate for missing children. She got engaged this weekend and wants to keep her personal life private. She was kidnapped by knifepoint in June 2002, from her bedroom by a homeless preacher and he repeatedly raped her. She was freed in 2003, after she was recognized in Salt Lake City, Utah by a passerby. 

Nelson, J. (January 20, 2012). Former kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart engaged to marry. Yahoo!News. Retrieved January 21, 2012, from  http://news.yahoo.com/former-kidnap-victim-elizabeth-smart-engaged-marry-010759210.html

A missing 9-year-old escapes kidnapper in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The girl went missing on Thursday night when she didn't return home from school. The kidnapper Jose Garcia, 29 also has been accused for molestation with a different girl. The car that Garcia was driving broke down and a passerby gave them a ride to Circle K. The girl then ran to the phone to call 911 and refused to leave the store with the man and stated " I ain't going nowhere I am waiting for my momma." The suspect fled, he was caught and arrested. He had the victim for 15 hours and she had bruises on her face. He is being charged for suspicion of kidnapping and sexual assault.

Solomon, B.(January 21, 2012). Colo. girl escapes apparent kidnapper, calls 911. YAHOO! NEWS. Retrieved January 21, 2012, from  http://news.yahoo.com/colo-girl-escapes-apparent-kidnapper-calls-911-194240305.html

Kobe Bryant's wife (Vanessa) will receive millions from her divorce with Kobe.  Kobe is a professional basketball player for (Lakers) The three mansions the couple owned valued at $18.8 million was placed in Vanessa Bryant's name. She will also receive at least $75 million in addition to spousal and child support.  Kobe's net worth is $150 million. They will share custody of their two daughters.

Los Angeles Times. (January 21, 2012) Kobe Bryant divorce: Wife Vanessa gets $18.8 million in property. Retrieved January 21, 2012, from  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/01/kobe-bryant-divorce-wife-vanessa-gets-188-million-in-property.html

Friday, January 20, 2012

Inspirational Friday

A true divine had the hand in saving a mother and her children. A mother and her two daughters were left dangling in their BMW when a big wheeler hit them from behind. The big rig and driver plunged over the bridge and the truck burst into flames killing the driver. The BMW dangled over a 100ft. drop on highway 101 in Santa Barbara, California. Inside the BMW were Kelli Groves and her two daughters and one of them was an infant and the other  a 10-year-old. Firefighters came to their rescue, but needed a forklift to hold the BMW in place so they could execrate them from the car. The nearest forklift was at least an hour away, but before the call was disconnected a group of Navy Seabees were in the traffic and they coincidentally had a forklift.
The family was removed from the car safely and flown to the hospital and the baby only had minor injuries and was released to her father. The mother and her 10-year-old are recuperating in the hospital.

Morgenstern, M. (January 14, 2012). Firefighters Rescue Mother & Daughters From Smashed Car Dangling Perilously Over Bridge. The Blaze. Retrieved January 20, 2012, from  http://www.theblaze.com/stories/firefighters-rescue-mother-and-daughters-from-smashed-car-dangling-over-bridge/

Baby Melinda Star Guido is going home today. She was born weighing only 9 1/2 ounces less than the size of a can of soda. She was born 24 weeks early in August in Los Angeles at County-USC Medical Center. She is the world's third smallest baby and the second in the United States. She is going home today weighing 4 1/2 pounds.

abc News. (January 20, 2012). LA Hospital Prepares to Send Tiny Baby Home. Retrieved January 20, 2012, from http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/la-hospital-prepares-send-tiny-baby-home-15401256#.Txl7KpgvHK0

White tiger cubs are raised by a German Shepherd. After the white tiger cubs were born their mother abandoned them. China's Xinjiang chief wild life park brought in a foster parent who was a German Shepherd. The cubs took to their new mom and the German Shepherd took to them. These white tigers are very rare and have been hunted for their fur. They are descendants of the Bengal Tiger.

Hawken, S. (September 2011). White Tigers Cubs to be Raised by a Dog. NewsFlavor. Retrieved January 20, 2012, from  http://newsflavor.com/alternative/white-tiger-cubs-to-be-raised-by-a-dog/

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's in The News Today

Body parts are found in Hollywood, Ca. Dog walkers came across a bag and a severed head rolled out of it when their dogs started to play with the bag. The bag was found where the trail of the famous Hollywood sign is located. Police then found two feet, two hands close to where the head was found. It appears to be a man between the ages of 40-60 years-old.

  Tanglas. L. (January 19, 2012).  More Human Body Parts Found Near Trail Below Hollywood Sign. abc. Good Morning. America. Yahoo! News. Retrieved January 19,  2012, from http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/more-human-body-parts-found-near-trail-below-090655502--abc-news.html

A tiger was spotted on the top of an abandoned hotel in Houston, Texas. The fire department was getting several calls about a tiger sitting on the roof of the hotel. Firefighters rushed to the scene and raised their ladders to where the tiger was located, but only to find it was a stuff animal. They have no idea who put it up there. 

abc. Good Morning America. Yahoo! News. (January 19, 2012). Lifelike Toy Tiger Stops Traffic Near Houston. Retrieved January 19, 2012, from http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/lifelike-toy-tiger-stops-traffic-near-houston-144133156--abc-news.html

A mystery illness struck 12 female teens at LeRoy Junior-Senior High School in New York. The girls have exhibited signs of Tourette's syndrome a tic disorder. They attend the same school, but are at different grade levels and may or may not have been exposed to each other. The reason for their illness has not yet been confirmed, but its being called "mass hysteria."

Health on Today. (January 2012). Teen girls' mystery illness now has a diagnosis: mass hysteria. retrieved January 19, 2012, from http://todayhealth.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/18/10181277-teen-girls-mystery-illness-now-has-a-diagnosis-mass-hysteria

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's in The News Today

British Airways announces to customers to be prepare for an emergency landing. Three hours into the flight from Miami to London there is an alarming message on the intercom. Telling all passengers to brace themselves that they will be doing an emergency landing in the water. Passengers feared for their lives and were awaken to the terrified announcement "they were screaming and crying." After a few minutes the crew had to reassure the passengers that the plane is fine. The announcement was a malfunction and the plane does not have to do an emergency landing. This was the second time in two years that the recording went off in error.

Mirror. (January 8, 2012). British Airways says sorry after 'emergency' announcement played by mistake. Retrieved January 18, 2011, from http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2012/01/18/british-airways-says-sorry-after-emergency-announcement-played-by-mistake-115875-23705295/

Today is internet blackout day. This is a protest against the anti-piracy bill that are up for debate in he U.S. Congress. The bills are called SOPA and PIPA.  This is to protect Media companies copyrighted content that is stolen and given away for free by some websites. The two bills will restrict access to U.S. websites that potentially could link to this pirated content. Tech companies in Silicon Valley stated that "this could cause a problem with how the internet functions." Google has a large blackout across its name and many other internet companies have followed suit.
"They're arguing that so much of the content we share comes from other places and if this new law were to pass, much of it wouldn't be able to be published or would be censored or taken offline if it were. Links couldn't be shared to other content unless otherwise approved, the same goes for images and any other content.

That’s why companies like Google and Wikipedia are protesting and asking people to join them."
To sign the protest click on the link https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's in The News Today

The captain of the Italy cruise liner is the blame for the ship smashing into a reef. The captain went off course to wave good-bye to his brother on land. One of the black boxes found on the sinking ship reveals a conversation between the captain and the coast guard. The coast guard was ordering the captain to return to the sinking ship and help people who were still evacuating. He didn't return  to the ship and he is now facing manslaughter charges. Twenty four people are still missing and the total dead is 11.

New York Post. ( January 17, 2012). Italian captain ignored orders to return to ship: Audio recordings. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from  http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/court_more_bodies_found_inside_costa_LHYj9iHhJTNm7EYwZ5kNIP?CMP=OTC-rss&FEEDNAME=

Elton John is angry that Madonna received the Golden Global Award for best song. The songs that were competing were Madonna's song "Masterpiece" from her upcoming film "W.E. and Elton John's song is "Hello, Hello" from "Gnomeo and Juliet." Elton and his partner was irate that Madonna won over him and Madonna stated 'she doesn't care he alwways gets mad at me and he will win another award.'

Effron, L. (January 16,  2012). Madonna on Elton John's Fury Over Golden Globe Win:  'I Don't Feel Bad.' abc Good Morning America. Yahoo! News. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from   http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/madonna-elton-johns-fury-over-golden-globe-win-173415923--abc-news.html

Paula Dean chef for the cooking network admits to having type II Diabetes. She is known for cooking with a lot of sugar and fat and this caused her to come under fire for unhealthy cooking. She has been criticized for her comments are her show " it's fine to cook with fat and sugar in moderation and that is what she does she hasn't  had to change the way she eats."

CNN> (January 17, 2012). Paula Dean confirms that she has type 2 diabetes, unveils partnership with drug company. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2012/01/17/paula-deen-confirms-that-she-has-type-2-diabetes-unveils-partnership-with-drug-company/?hpt=hp_t3

Monday, January 16, 2012

What's in The News Today

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. born Michael, but changed his name later to Martin. Martin attended a segregated school in Georgia and graduated high school at the age of 15. He received a B.A. in 1948, from Morehouse College, which is a distinguished Negro institution where is father and grandfather graduated. He received his doctorate in 1955. He married Coretta Scott and he had two daughters and two sons. 
In 1954, he became a pastor for the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. He was always involved in civil rights of his race and became the member of the executive committee of the National Association for Advancement of Colored People: he was arrested, had bodily harm done to him, and his house was bombed. 
His leadership was based on Gandhi's philosophies without "violence." He traveled over 6 million miles and spoke over twenty- five hundred times whenever there was injustice, protest and action. He caught the eye of the world with his massive protests. His famous letter  "from Birmingham Jail" calling for a declaration of policy to allow Negros to vote and he conducted a peaceful march in Washington D.C., of 250,000 people, where he delivered his address "I Have a Dream." He exchanged views with John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson. 
During his lifetime he was arrested 20x, assaulted at least 4x and was awarded 5 honorary degrees. He was named man of the Year by Time Magazine in 1963, and became a symbolic leader for American blacks and a world figure. He was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and gave the prize money of $54,123 to further the civil rights movement. 
He was assassinated on April 4, 1968 while standing on his balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee. He was suppose to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of Memphis.   

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's in The News Today

A failed Russian probe will crash on earth today. The probe was design to go to Mars, but instead it's stuck in earth's orbit and will crash down within hours. It will shower fragments and it's one of the heaviest most toxic space collide to earth. Officials are saying that most of the probe will burn up in the atmosphere. Where it will go is unknown and Russia's space agency "Roscosmos stated "it will come down between 11:41 a.m. and 4:05 p.m. EST." The re-entry to earth by the probe will still survive totaling  20 and 30 fragments weighing 440 pounds.

The Washington Post. (January 15, 2012). Failed Russian spacecraft will crash to Earth within hours, agency says. Retrieved January 15, 2012, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/failed-russian-spacecraft-will-crash-on-earth-within-hours-agency-says/2012/01/15/gIQA1e9U0P_story.html

A man is accused of poisoning his wife's Rice Krispies cereal. Fernanda the wife of Fernando Porras of Azusa, California, said "the cereal tasted and smelled horrible. She was taken to the hospital and her husband went out for a cigarette and then is when the police grew suspicious of him. He was arrested two miles away for putting a poisonous chemical in her cereal.

Yahoo!News. (January 14, 2012). CA man suspected of poisoning wife's Rice Krispies. Retrieved January 15, 2012, from http://news.yahoo.com/ca-man-suspected-poisoning-wifes-rice-krispies-034333263.html

Mexican officials have arrested four men in the slaying of a marine officer and his family. The family "the marine, his two sons and wife" went missing on December 16, stated the Secretary of the Navy's office. One of the sons is also a marine officer and the other is an enlisted marine. Many of the suspects  were arrested at a fake checkpoint and they admitted to kidnapping and killing the family.

Yahoo!News. Family of Mexican marines kidnapped, slain. Retrieved January 15, 2012, from http://news.yahoo.com/family-mexican-marines-kidnapped-slain-191406480.html

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's in The News Today

A luxury cruise ship aground off the coast of Tuscany, Italy. This caused water to pour in and 4,200 people were evacuated. Passengers complained that the crew members did not instruct the them how to evacuate. Passengers could not get on life rafts because the ship was tilting too much. Passengers were rescued by several boats in the area, but some passengers panicked and jumped into the frigid water. The accident is still unclear, but possibly the cruise liner hit a reef. Five helicopters from the Coast Guard, Navy and Air Force were taking turns rescuing people. Three bodies were recovered from the sea and the total number of dead is still not confirmed.

D'Emillo, F. & Winfield, N. (January 14, 2012). Coast Guard: ship aground off Italy, bodies found. Yahoo!NEWS. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from http://news.yahoo.com/coast-guard-ship-aground-off-italy-bodies-found-033222889.html

Actor Gene Hackman is hit by a car while he was riding a bicycle. He was not wearing a helmet when he was struck by a car in Islamorada, Florida. He is 81 years-old and is in serious condition. He was thrown from his bike when he hit into a "Toyota Tundra" pickup truck. 

CNN Entertainment. (January 13, 2012). Gene Hackman sruck by car while riding bike. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/13/showbiz/hackman-accident/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

Montana mom teacher is found dead. Sherry Whited Arnold went missing on last Saturday at 6:30 a.m. when she went for her morning jog. She is mother of 5 and a math teacher for Sidney public schools. No details of her death has been released, but one man has been arrested and one detained for her murder. The community is small with a population 5,200 people and "this type of crime is unheard of," stated  several residents living within the community.

CNN Justice. (January 13, 2012). Montana teacher dead days after going missing during run, 2 detained. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/13/justice/montana-missing-woman/index.html

Friday, January 13, 2012

Inspirational Friday

Chef Chris Nirschel cooks for the homeless. Celebrity chef who works with The Food Bank for New York City, which is the largest major hunger relief in the country paired up with them and cooked for the homeless. Nirschel attended the French Culinary Institute and appeared on "The Next Food Network Star." He is the executive chef at Caffe Napoli in New York City. He has done charity events for this organizations in the Hamptons and in New York City. He stated "that government has cut funding for the food bank and he believes in helping the less fortunate."

Pace, G. & Zrini, M. (January 10, 2011). Celebrity Chef Chris Nirschel Cooks for Homeless. MSNBC. Happy News. Retrieved January 13, 2012, from http://www.happynews.com/news/1102012/celebrity-chef-chris-nirschel-cooks-homeless.htm

Eddie Van Halen donates 75 guitars to L.A. school.  Eddie Van Halen the famous guitar player for the band "Van Halen"  don't want children to be deprived of music programs in their schools.  Many music programs have been cut for the lack of government funding in Los Angeles, Ca. Eddie paired up Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation, which provides resources for music programs for schools and donated 75 electric guitars from his own personal collection. They will distribute the guitars to the schools that don't have enough for students to play. He stated that "music is his passion, and he wants to give back because music kept him off the streets."

Carlson, E. (2012). Eddie Van Halen donates 75 guitars to L.A. schools. Entertainment on Today. Retrieved January 13, 2012, from http://todayentertainment.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/11/10116035-eddie-van-halen-donates-75-guitars-to-la-schools

Anonymous donor donates $10,000 to a stage 4 cancer patient. Maria Vargas from San Jose, California was surprised when she received a bag of food at her doorstep and at the bottom of the bag there was a cashier check for $10,000 made out to her. At first, she didn't want to accept it, but her daughter reminded  her that she wiped out all of her savings and she needed it for medication to battle her cancer.

MSNBC. (January 12, 2012). Anonymous Donor Gives Cancer Patient $10,000. Happy News. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from http://www.happynews.com/news/1122012/anonymous-donor-gives-cancer-patient-10-000.htm

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What's in The News Today

Intimates that were pardoned may have to return back to prisoner. Governor Barbour of Mississippi is being criticized for granting a pardon of 4 convicted murders and one armed robber. The governor violated the state's constitution where he was suppose to publish the pardon each inmate for for 30 days. The other 21 inmates have been stopped and the 5 that have been released may have to return back to jail to do their full sentence. These inmates have to report to prison officials daily until their fate is decided on January 23, in a court hearing.

CNN Justice. (January 12, 2012). Attorney general: Barbour tried to rule the state like Boss Hogg. Retrieved January 12, 2011, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/12/justice/mississippi-pardons/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

The Missing Montana woman might have been kidnapped. Teacher, mom, "Sherry Arnold" went missing on Saturday morning when she went for a jog. Her sneaker was found, but no signs of her. She is a cancer survivor and has 5 children between her previous and current marriage.   Hundreds of searchers have combed the area and the only think left behind was her running shoe. The FBI is helping the local police and they are afraid that she might have been taken over the Canadian border, which is only 100 miles away.

Sandell, C.,  Dolak, K. & Ng. C. (January 11, 2012). Missing Montana Teacher Sherry Arnold: FBI Joins Search. Retrieved January 12, 2011, from   http://gma.yahoo.com/missing-montana-teacher-sherry-arnold-fbi-joins-search-083245374--abc-news.html

Women who have gone missing since 2011. Michelle Parker since November 17, in Florida, Robyn Gardner since August 2, missing when she was vacationing in Aruba, Dawna Nazke missing since December 21, in Arkansas is found dead, Marsarida Nascimento deAscensao since December 16, from New Jersey, Stacey Nicole English from Atlanta, Phoenix Coldon from St. Louis, both have been missing since December.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What's in The News Today

A mom school teacher has been missing since Saturday. Sherry Arnold from Montana was last since when she went jogging on Saturday morning. Police found Arnold's running shoe near a truck route that she jogged routinely. Sherry Arnold is 43 years-old and over a thousand people turned out for her search yesterday. She  has 5 children between her current and previous marriages. She has been a teacher since 1993 and teachers for Sidney's middle and high school. If anyone has any information contact the Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210.

Ng. Christina. (January 10, 2012). Missing Montana Woman Sherry Arnold: Beloved Math Teacher and Mother. GMA Morning News. Yahoo!News. Retrieved Janaury 11, 2012, from http://gma.yahoo.com/missing-montana-woman-sherry-arnold-beloved-math-teacher-184743740--abc-news.html

Beyonce child's birth "Blue Ivy Carter" caused problems for other parents from seeing their children. Neil Coulon, 38 years old was denied to see his twins, after his children had been born premature via cesarean in the same hospital has Beyounce 'Lenox Hill Hospital.' He was prevented three times from entering the NICU (Neo-matal Intensive Care Unit). He stated "these children that are in the unit are in intensive care and Beyounce is to taking over the hospital and preventing him form seeing his own children," 'he wants an apology.'

Stanisci, G. (January 9, 2012). Beyounce's baby delivery causes hospital ruckus. Music. Canada. Retrieved January 11, 2012, from http://ca.music.yahoo.com/blogs/sound-check/beyonc-baby-delivery-causes-hospital-ruckus-193758587.html

Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide is being sued for giving a drunk man the wrong key to strangers  room. He sexually assaulted Alison Fournier a New York business woman. She stated that 'while she was sleeping he began to grope her.' She also claims that the same man approached and had a sexual interest in her and she made it very clear that she was not interested and retreated to her room. He then went to the front desk and said that 'he was her husband and received the key to Fournier's room where he molested her.' She woke to find him attacking her and went screaming out of her room. She was traveling to Helinski for work and chose the Starwood's Hotel for its reputation and felt she would be safe. Her attorney is Gloria Allred a famous women's right lawyer.

Smith, C. (January 10, 2012). Woman Claims Hotel Gave Drunken Man Her Room Key. abc Good Morning America. Yahoo! NEWS. Retrieved January 11, 2012, from http://gma.yahoo.com/woman-claims-hotel-gave-drunken-man-her-room-221452428--abc-news.html

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What's in The News Today

Hong Kong's poor are living in cages. One former person Chau Kam- chuen was one of over 400,000 working poor that live in cages. He paid #167.6 USD to live in the cage. He stated that it's extremely uncomfortable especially if you get the top bunk 'no head room and your head is pushed up to the ceiling.' The cage is smaller than a jail cell and they house thousands of poverty-stricken men and women. The air condition doesn't work and there are cockroaches and bedbugs. A charity art event put these poor people's living conditions on display to show the living differences between the rich and the poor.

 Weird Asia News. (2009). Hing Kong Citizens Are Living in Cages....Literally. Retrieved January 10, 2012, from http://www.weirdasianews.com/2009/11/21/hong-kong-citizens-living-cages-literally/

Governor Haley Barbour pardoned four men that were convicted murder. His last days as governor has left many upset with is decision to pardon murders.  The 4 men were released on Sunday the families of the murdered victims are outraged.

CNN Justice. (January 10, 2012). Outgoing Mississippi governor pardons four killers. Reteieved Janluary 10, 2011, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/09/justice/mississippi-murder-pardons/index.html?hpt=us_c2

Offensive coordinator of the Green Bay Packer's son is missing. Michael Philbin who is 21-years-old is missing since 8:15 p.m. Sunday. He last communication was 2 a.m. Sunday to one of his friends and he didn't appear to be under any duress.

CNN. (January 9, 2012). Son of Packers coach reported missing in Wisconsin. Retrieved January 10, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/09/sport/wisconsin-missing-man/index.html?hpt=us_c2

Monday, January 9, 2012

What's in The News Today

Is this an Alfred Hitchcock movie?  Thousands of birds flock together in Ontario, California.
Click on link to watch http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-727499?hpt=hp_bn1

A missing 25-year-old's family turns to a psychic for help. James Slack went missing at a String Cheese Incident concert in Pittsburgh, PA. on December 7th. A friend of Slacks said that he spoke with him the night he went missing he stated that he was inebriated during a phone conversation and didn't know where he was.  The psychic believes that Slacks is dead and the vision continually take her to rail road tracks. They believe that he was hurt and succumbed to his elements. There is a reward for any information regarding Slack's disappearance.

abc. Good Morning America. Yahoo!NEWS. (January 9, 2012). Missing Pa. Man's Family Turn to Psychics for help. Retrieved January 7, 2011, from http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/missing-pa-mans-family-turn-psychics-help-191110368--abc-news.html

Hundreds disrobe on a NYC subway on Sunday. To celebrate No Pants Day on January 8, 2012. This is an annual event where the participants drop their pants and skirts and ride the metro in their under garments.

CNN iReport. (January 8, 2012). Underpants Day In NYC Subway. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What's in The News Today

A cargo ship carrying oil has split in two off the coast of New Zealand. Hundred and tonnes of oil leaked and New Zealand' s Nick Smith is calling the spill one of the worst  maritime environmental disasters. Bad weather caused the vessel to break and the extreme weather is expected to last for the next several days. 

CNN. (January 8, 2012). Ship grounded off the coast of New Zealand splits in two. Retrieved January 8, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/08/world/asia/new-zealand-oil-spill/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

The body that was found on Queen Elizabeth's state has been identified. The 17-year-old has been missing since August. DNA testing has identified the woman as Alisa Dmitrijeva. Police are offering a reward for any information leading to Dmitrijeva's death.   

CNN. (January 8, 2012). Police: Body found on queen's estate was missing 17-year-old. Retrieved January 8, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/08/world/europe/uk-royal-estate-murder/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

A 22-year-old is sexually assaulted in an ambulance. The 22-year-old woman hit her head on Christmas Day, and was being transported to the hospital when she was sexually assaulted while she was strapped to the ambulance stretcher.  Paramedic Mark Powell 49, turned himself in and was charged with first degree assault and unlawful restraint.  The woman waited three days to report the incident because she was embarrassed and scared. Powell was released on $25,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on January 19.

Varello, D. (January 7, 2012). Paramedic accused of sexual assault inside ambulance. CNN. Retrieved January 8, 2012, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/07/justice/connecticut-ambulance-sexual-assault/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What's in The News Today

Yahoo is hiring and searching for new members for its board of directors. The new CEO "Scott Thompson will receive a compensation package worth as much as $27 million. Thompson was the president of PayPal part of eBay payment division. He has replaced Carol Bartz who was fired 4 months ago. Thompson will be looking to replace some of the board members. Yahoo is struggling to keep up with Google and Facebook.

Oreskovic, A. & Damouni, N. (January 6, 2012). Yahoo searching for new board members:source. Retrieved January 7, 2012, from http://news.yahoo.com/yahoo-searching-board-members-report-223222283.html

A 15-year-old girl is tortured when she refuse to be a prostitute. Sahar Gul was rescued by police from northern Baghlan from the basement of her in-law's house. She was found badly beaten her nails were torn off and she is wearing diapers because she cannot get up. Sahar's eyes are bruised and she cannot speak and her hair was cut short as a punishment by her in-laws when she refused to have sex with men. Sahar was married off to a 30-year-old man. Her in-laws including her sister-in-law have been arrested, but her husband is a soldier serving in Helmand province and has not yet been caught.

CNN. (January 7, 2012), Tortured Afghan girl suffering in hospital,aid workers says. Retrieved January 7, 2011, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/07/world/asia/afghan-girl-mistreatment/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

Deadly mushrooms killed two. The deadly cap mushrooms were mistakenly taken for the edible mushrooms. A private meal was served on New Year's Day in Canberra Australia by a chef and three of her friends. The chef a 52-year-old Chinese woman died and the third person is in critical condition in a Sydney hospital. The deadly mushrooms grow near oak trees and health officials are warning people not to confuse the two. The deadly mushrooms grow in wet climates and they can be found in the autumn months, they are silky smooth and they can be white to a greenish brown color.

CNN. (January 6, 2012). Deadly mushrooms served as part of meal that kills 2, officials say. Retrieved January 7, 2011, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/06/world/asia/australia-deadly-mushrooms/index.html?hpt=hp_bn2

Friday, January 6, 2012

Inspirational Friday

A car goes off the road and into a icy river. Three children were trapped when the car that their father was driving skidded off the road. They were on their way to a ski resort when Rodger Andersen lost control of the car and he and his two children and niece plunged into the river. He was panicked and was able to free himself, but not his children or niece. He began to scream for help that the children were trapped and a passerby Chris Willden a former police officer and his father jumped into waste deep water. They couldn't get the doors opened so he shot the window open. One of the girls was trapped by her seat belt, but still conscious while the other two were unconscious and the car was upside down. Seven other people joined the rescue and flipped the car over. They got the children out and the boy was not breathing, but with CPR he was revived. They were taken to the hospital where they stayed for two days and were released.


A Ohio woman finds $12,000 and returns it to its owner. A 63-year-old woman who wants to stay anonymous found a tan cloth bag containing $12,000 while walking with her husband on Wednesday night. Police were able to track the bag to a couple who lives in Spring Township and they were planning to buy a house out of state. The anonymous woman stated that "her father was a minister and he always told her to do the right thing."


A dog  survives 21 hours in a suitcase. Tootsie a dachsund loves to cuddle in suitcases underneath the clothes. The owner of Tootsie "Ida Rescan" stated that "her daughter was visiting during the holidays and was traveling back to North Carolina and that is when Tootsie went missing." When her daughter left Rescan began to look for Tootsie and became franick that the dog got out in sub-zero temperatures in Chicago. They even called the police looking for Tootsie. Rescan said "she couldn't bare the thought that  her little dog was frozen on top of a snowbank." Her husband "Ed" suggested that maybe Tootsie climbed into their daughter's suitcases. Her daughter and husband, and their three children drove straight through to their home (850 miles). Rescan kept calling the North Carolina home and wanted to catch her daughter as soon as she entered her house. When her daughter arrived it was raining and she told her husband to leave the luggage in the car. The mother reached the daughter on the phone and said that Tootsie may be in their suitcase and the daughter was frightened because she had to push down on the suitcases because they were over packed  in order to close it. They began frantically opening the suitcases and Tootsie popped up as if nothing was wrong. They took Tootsie to the vet and Tootsie is fine and the vet could not explain how Tootsie survived.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's in The News Today

Doctors are going broke. Many doctors cannot keep up with their bills, due to reimbursements from insurance companies. Medicare patients make up a large majority of many private practices and their reimbursements are the least to be paid of what a doctors bill. Private insurance companies are following medicare reimbursements. Many doctors feel if the pending 27.4% pay cut for doctors goes through congress it will force many doctors out of medicine.

Kavilanz, P. (January 5, 2012). Doctors going broke.  CNN Money. Retrieved January 5, 2012, from http://money.cnn.com/2012/01/05/smallbusiness/doctors_broke/index.htm?hpt=hp_t3

Hong Kong has no place to bury their loved ones. If you are lucky to find a place to bury your loved one it's only temporary, after 6 years the body is removed and cremated. In the Chinese culture a dead one should not be moved,  so many choose to be cremated as a first choice. The other problem that the people of Hong Kong face is there is no room for public yearns to be stored. The Chinese culture do not live close to their dead.

Chiou, P. (January 5, 2011). No space for the dead in Hong Kong. CNN. Retrieved January 5, 2011, from http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/world/2012/01/05/chiou-hkong-no-space-for-dead.cnn

Is this Casey Anthony making a YouTube diary video? Casey Antony was acquitted for killing her daughter Caylee.  Click on the link http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/crime/2012/01/05/intv-banfield-anthony-new-video.cnn

Complete video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8QmhMmrOHs

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's in The News Today

A woman kills an intruder  on New Year's Eve to protect her infant son. Sarah McKinley, 18 years-old stated a week earlier that "a man named Justin Martin stopped by her husband's funeral claiming he was neighbor who wanted to say hello, but she refused to let him in her home. Sarah just lost her husband from cancer on Christmas morning. " The man then continued to go door to door of her home trying to get access into her home. McKinley called 911 and grabbed her 12-gauge shotgun and waited for the man to enter her home. He did gain entry and she shot him dead. The other man he was with turned himself in to the police.
Dolak, K & Owens, R. (January 4, 2011). Okla. Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It's Okay to Shoot. abc Good Morning America. Yahoo! News. retrieved January 4, 2011, from http://gma.yahoo.com/okla-woman-shoots-kills-intruder-911-operators-okay-091106413.html

Coronado, California shooting left four people dead. On New Year's Day a shooting claimed the lives of siblings David and Karen Reis ages 24 and 25. David's roommate was also killed John Reeves 25 years-old,  David and John were both navy pilots. Another unknown man was also killed who lived in Chula Vista, California. David and Karen went out for New Year's Eve at downtown San Diego and returned home with the unidentified man from Chula Vista. The reason for the killings is unknown. 

Curry, C. (January 3, 2011). Coronado, California, Shooting Kills 4, Including 2 Navy Pilot, Sister. abc Good Morning America. Yahoo!News. Retrieved January 4, 2011, from http://gma.yahoo.com/coronado-california-shooting-kills-4-including-2-navy-160645327.html

Is the Mayan calendar wrong when it predicted the end of the world will end in December, 2012? Apocalypse is predicted for December 21, 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar. Archeologist are stating that "there just isn't enough proof  in any literature or in Mayan hieroglyphic writing." Solar flares was once predicted for this date enough to burn up the earth.

 Potter, N. (January 3, 2012). Mayan Calendar Predicts Doomsday in 2012. Or Not. abc Good Morning America. Yahoo!News. Retrieved January 4, 2012, http://gma.yahoo.com/mayan-calendar-predicts-doomsday-2012-not-170613297.html

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's in The News Today

A dead body found on the Queen's estate. A dead woman's body was found on New Year's Day on Queen Elizabeth's estate in Norfolk County, England. The cause of the woman's death is still unknown  an autopsy will be conducted on Tuesday.

Coombs, K. (http://m.christianpost.com/news/police-investigate-dead-body-found-on-queen-elizabeths-estate-66245/January 3, 2012). dwad Body found on Queen Elizabeth's Estate. Retrieved January 3, 2011, from

A kangaroo attacks a 7-year-old girl in Orange, Australia. Makayala Mcvoy was on holiday with her family at Wyangala Dam on New Year's Day when a kangaroo attacked her. The kangaroo kept on jumping up and down on her. McEvoy's stepfather Mitch McGovern jumped to save her and he was kicked and had a hard time getting the kangaroo off of the 7-year-old. When he finally got the kangaroo off of her she didn't move and was face down he thought she was dead. They rushed her to the hospital and she was treated for cuts and scratches and released. McEvoy's mother stated that "the park was less than sympathic when she told them what happened to her daughter."  

White powder found in a mailroom at the State Attorney's office in West Palm Beach, Florida. Three people that were working in the mailroom was exposed to the powder when the envelope was opened. They complained of headaches and were sprayed down to be decontaminated. A firefighter suffered cardiac symptoms they were all taken to the hospital for treatment.

12. News. CBS12.com (January 3, 2011). http://www.cbs12.com/articles/exposed-4737735-coming-say.html?hpt=hp_t3Several contaminated by white powder at state attorney office. Retrieved January 3, 2011, from 

Monday, January 2, 2012

What's in The News Today

The History of the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena California

The parade is being celebrated today on January 2, 2012. The parade is the 123rd and it's on New Year's Day and has never been celebrated on Sunday. The parade is festival of flowers, floats, marching bands, equestrians and a college football game. The purpose of the parade is to show the mild weather of California and a place where flowers bloom all year round.   If it falls on Sunday and is moved to Monday "a deal with God never to hold it on Sundays and he will never let it rain the parade."This will also prevent conflict with NFL games, and church goers, and to prevent traffic for the horses. It originally started on January 1, 1890 and watched by hundreds of thousand of spectators and watched nation wide on television. In 1902 they added Rose Bowl college football to aid in the cost of the staging of the parade.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What's in The News Today

Five Festive Facts about New Year's Day
  1. In 1904 the owner of Times Square in New York City threw a huge New Year's Eve party with fireworks. In 1907, NYC banned fireworks and replace it with a illuminated ball. The first ball weighted 700 pounds currently  it weighs 12,000 pounds.
  2. The most popular resolution is to loose weight. The other 4 is to quit smoking, get a better job, go back to school and save money.
  3. Pork is the number dish served in the U.S. and it's served with sauerkraut and in southern U.S. it's  ham and black-eyed peas.
  4. The traditional song is called "Auld Lang Syne" published 1796 and the song means "times gone by." The song promises to remember friends and times in the past with fondness.
  5. 1 billion people watch the ball drop all over the world and a million pack themselves in Times Square.